05 November 2013

Berry, Berry, GOOD: The Benefits Of Berries

Getting into my mid twenties, I notice the changes that people warn you about in your teens when you're stuffing honey buns and gummy worms down your throat. "Enjoy your metabolism while it lasts", older people would warn as I'd be dragging a book bag full of hostess snacks.

Even as I appear to be even thinner than my high school weight, my immune system isn't as prevailing when ingesting processed and sugary snacks. Veering away from the cookie and cake aisle at the grocery store, I've found healthy replacements in the fruit and vegetable section.

This week I've been grabbing berries when I'm looking for a snack in between meals. I discovered that the benefits of berries are endless after doing some research on the lovely internet. I found a fun quiz on Dr. Oz's site here that I took blindly just to see what I really knew about the super food I was eating. Here are a few facts that I learned from taking the quiz:

The acai berry helps to slow the aging process by boosting immune and metabolic function and removing destructive free radicals from our bodies.

Lingonberry has the highest umber of antioxidants. Native Americans in North America have a history of using this berry to help those suffering with diabetes and cardiovascular illness.

Cranberries help prevent stomach ulcers by preventing bacteria from sticking to the lining of the stomach.

Cranberries are also rich with flavonoids, a protective type of antioxidant that benefits your heart.

Raspberries contain eye-protective antioxidants called lutein.

Blueberries possess neuroprotective properties that can delay the onset of age-related memory loss by guarding brain cells from damage caused by chemicals, plaque or trauma. They also combat inflammation, another factor in aging.

I'm still reading more and more about exotic berries and the benefits of polyphenols found in all berries that curb obesity! I think its awesome that a berry can help prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Which benefit of berries appeals to you the most?

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